Community rules[]
- Do not troll or harass other people. Making a profile or comment that is racist, hateful or sexually explicit in any way towards will result in an immediate and indefinite ban.
- Topics that are forbidden include : advertizing another group or website; slandering Stray Kids, another group or website; debating about political beliefs; creating offensive, racist or sexually explicit posts; sharing too personal details about your private real life or someone else's. This is mainly a discussion space related to Stray Kids, K-pop and music.
- Do not spam. This includes posting the same message/uploading the same picture more than twice or posting strings of unreadable characters/gibberish.
- Blog is a feature for elaborate posts such as personal introductions or serious discussions about the group. Keep low effort posts for Discussion.
- And of course, be nice and enjoy sharing with others!
Wiki rules[]
- For detailed writing, structuring and filenaming standards used on this wiki, click here.
- We want information on Stray Kids Wiki to be as accurate as possible.
- Do not add information you are unsure of. You should only add information conveyed by official Stray Kids accounts or news outlets.
- It is strongly recommended that you provide a reference when adding new information, specifically trivia facts.
- It is recommended that you provide an edit summary after you are done with your edit when it comes to a major removal/adding of information.
- If you remove or change existing valid information unecessarily, it will be undone without notice. If your edits look like intentional vandalism, it will result in an immediate and indefinite ban.
- "Solo stan" behavior (putting down members in favor of others) is not allowed, and any sentences with an editorial bias in general must be rewritten objectively. The author's personal feelings should not be conveyed through their sentences.
- ❌ Changbin is the most beautiful and talented member of Stray Kids.
- ✔️ Changbin is a member of Stray Kids.
- Only upload pictures and videos that come from official Stray Kids accounts and sources.
- Pictures and videos should not be uploaded if: they come from an unofficial fan source, are blurry and low quality, are duplicate of already existing pictures (those will be deleted without notice).
- Unserious and unrelated pictures or videos can be added ONLY if they're going to be added into your personal profile. Even so, do not upload disturbing pictures that could break the rules, do not upload a lot of unrelated pictures repeatedly, and do not add them to the wiki's articles. No exception.
If you want to become affiliates, or are still in need of help after reading this page, please contact our Administrators.
Username | Roles | Status |
Bunny932 | Bureaucrat, Administrator | Inactive |
FelixSaidStay | Administrator | Inactive |
Shark Dreamcatcher | Administrator | Inactive |
PlanetMae | Bureaucrat, Administrator | Active |
RumRummage | Bureaucrat, Administrator | Active |